Trabajos de Pintar Imágenes en Photoshop / Works of painted images in photoshop
Lo que hicimos el Viernes 13 de mayo del 2016 fue pintar una imagen de una roseta paso a paso mediante el uso de capas creadas con la herramienta "Varita mágica" para finalmente combinar todas las capas visibles.
He aquí las dos rosetas finales en la que una tiene bordes (imágen original pero pintada) y la otra sólo es la fusión de las capas, ambas en formato PNG.
What we did on Friday May 13, 2016 was paint a picture of a rosette step by using layers created with the "Magic Wand" tool to finally merge all visible layers.
Here are the final two rosettes in which one has edges (original image but painted) and the other is only the fusion of the layers, both in PNG format.
What we did on Friday May 13, 2016 was paint a picture of a rosette step by using layers created with the "Magic Wand" tool to finally merge all visible layers.
Here are the final two rosettes in which one has edges (original image but painted) and the other is only the fusion of the layers, both in PNG format.
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